Join MYA on a chilly December eve for a hike up Chick Hill to watch the full moon rise, to move our bodies under it’s light and to celebrate the coming of a new year!
Adventurers will meet up at the trailhead for Chick Hill/Peaked Mountain in Clifton for some outdoor fun. Why so early in the day? The moonrise is at 3:30pm and the sunset is at 4pm :)
Bundle up in your best outdoor gear with good grippy hiking boots, bring your headlamp and we’ll hike to the summit. For the easiest path up, we’ll take the Big Chick trail, a wide path that opens to expansive viewing from huge slabs of rock. The trail is easy to moderate, just short of three miles round trip.
MYA will keep adventurers warm with a yoga flow and a stash of hot chocolate and yummy vegetarian soup. The stars and the moon should be in full effect with the Cold Moon (oh so aptly named!) putting on a spectacular rise. MYA has an awesome app that will help figure out the constellations as they appear in the night sky.
We’ll shout out a big goodbye of 2020 as we set our sights on the best intentions for 2021. Don’t miss out on this last minute gathering to check out a full moon under clear and crisp skies!
Cost: $40. To register, please choose to add to cart below or payment is available via VENMO or a good ol’ check in the mail :)