Join Maine Yoga Adventures in embracing the darkness as we move past daylight savings time. Every day afterwards there is more light - that is certainly worth celebrating!
The seasonal shift will bring adventurers together in lovely Stockton Springs. We'll meet at a private camp where surrounding fields are quite pretty and we'll head out to more trails from there.
Adventurers will enjoy a stroll thru the cemetery full of sailors and captains that were lost at sea. Grave markers tell stories in words carved from the 1800's and beyond.
We'll hike up stunning Fletcher's Hill; the short uphill path is beautiful the whole way and we'll take it nice & easy to soak up nature's autumnal colors.
At the highest point with spectacular views of the sea and surrounding islands, we'll slow down with deep breaths and movement. The outdoor yoga practice will be weather dependent.
We'll head back down the hill to camp for yummy vegetarian hot soup. A big moon will be rising at 6:30pm and we'll be sure to get some amazing views in!
Many thanks to adventurer Sally for making this adventure happen :)